Monday, September 19, 2016

Week 10 EOC: Silicon Valley

Silicon Valley was a fantastic series that was comedic yet intelligent at that same time. I enjoyed it as much as Erlich enjoyed this vision quest.

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Week 8 EOC: Silicon Valley Ep. 8 Rights and Wrongs

In the season finale of Silicone Valley, we see Richard finally take charge for his company. But first there was the mess that was the result of Erlich’s actions the previous night. Something the team did right was have a lawyer to take care of the situation and walk them through the correct steps to fix the mess of the situation. The need for a lawyer for your small business arises from the fact that there are hundreds of laws for business that need to be followed and each industry will have its own particular regulations and rules.As for Gavin Newsome, his ability to wow the audience is flawless. His presentation was not only different, it was also superb. He did it effortlessly and made the presentation look intriguing. They was Gavin Newsome connected his visuals to his dialogue was very refined. Not to mention his vocabulary made it sound like he know everything there was to know about what he was selling. An important skill to have in business and especially in the public relations arena is the skill of persuasion or the ability to win over the crowd.Richard on the other hand seemed very nervous for his presentation because of the fact that he was barley prepared and almost didn’t have a product to show off. However, this was a huge step for Richard because he finally took control over his company which he struggled vastly throughout the series. He knew it was time for him to step up and it couldn’t have come at a better time, though he was nervous he still had the “wow” factor. He created an algorithm that for a score of 5 on the scale, which is nearly unheard of. Richard finally had the confidence and power to become the leader of a group he never had a big grasp on. One must always be confident at workplace to gain visibility and show how one tackles situation or problems with positivity and dignity.

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Week 7 EOC: Silicon Valley Episode 8 Rights and Wrongs

During the 7th episode of Silicon Valley, we see Erlich take the lead role. His power to be able to be socially acceptable and be able to network by speaking, public or not, really shines in this episode. This was very good in Erlich’s behalf, however he does have relations with one of the judge’s wife. This is unacceptable in many ways. This could be seen as sexual harassment in the workplace, which is not good for Pied Piper. “Sexual advances or conduct of a sexual nature which unreasonably interferes with the performance of a person's job or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment.” The Tech Crunch was in a way their workplace, because they were conducting business to a degree. Meanwhile, Richard loses focus on the company because of a girl. Richard could not get his mind straight and work on the final product because he was tripped up on a girl that did not matter. This shows Richards paranoia and ability to lose concentration. “The ability to focus the mind is one of the most important abilities one should possess.”(112). Richard has to work on his ability to stay concentrated and get work done. However, Danesh was working very well, in fact he was being very productive. Richards’s inability to stay concentrated effected Danesh’s ability to work. Richard may not realize his inability to stay concentrated effects more than just himself. Danesh has a “trained mind”, “A trained mind is able to focus, without being distracted by thoughts, noises or anything else.” (126). This is much needed in the chaotic epidemic that Richard is going through. Richard is under a lot of stress, so having a calm and mellow worker, i.e. Danesh, is much needed for Richard to over come his stress.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Week 6 EOC: Silicon Valley Rights and Wrongs

In the sixth episode of Silicon Valley, Richard faces a lot of situations where he becomes uncomfortable. This just goes to show the lack of communications and sociability Richard possesses. When the “Carver” points out Richard’s mannerism of scrunching his lips and how often Richard does it, it shows how often Richard is uncomfortable either with himself or his abilities. “Your attitude while talking is also important. “It’s not just your words that convey a message, it’s all of you.” If you slouch, jam your hands into your pockets, shuffle your feet and avoid eye contact, people will get the impression you don’t want to communicate with them.” (Adams). This is something that Richard needs to work on, even though he did aske the Carver for help. By asking for help, Richard shows that he does need the Carver’s abilities and that he admits the Carver is a better coder than Richard. He doesn’t admit defeat in any way, Richard simply asks for the Carver to tackle a problem in collaboration. “What I learned from the experience was that asking for help is a delicate endeavor—but when done right, it’ll get the job done faster or better.” (Winter). This should have sped the problem solving up, however, Richard left the Carver alone which was not the brightest idea. Richard shouldn’t have left a teenager alone with the sole foundation of Pied Piper. Though the carver is somewhat experienced with coding, he did have an incident with Bank of America which he later confessed to.  Obviously Richard did not know, but he still shouldn’t have let anyone alone with the foundation of the company. “Proper security management specifies actions and protocols in case of data loss, breach detection and critical vulnerability detection (in a product).” (Liber). 

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Week 5 EOC: Silicon Valley Rights and Wrongs ep.5

While looking for a new logo, Erlich gets a graffiti artist to make them a new logo. What’s wrong with this is that Erlich got someone who affiliated in illegal activity and brought them to design a company logo. Erlich also did not get any consultancy from Jared when making the deal with the graffiti artist, meaning there was no legal document that confirmed the transaction. Jared’s mental tension starts to break when the group of employees of Pied Piper have no boundaries nor do they have respect for the company. Jared starts to take action and tries to make Pied Piper a legitimist functioning company. He makes this flow chart to keep track of the group’s progress and he spikes a little bit of coworker competitiveness which raises the level of work being completed immensely. A problem Jared had with the “organization” was that Jared and Richard were not communicating, it almost felt as if everyone was ignoring Jared. “Effective workplace communication is important in companies with workplace diversity.” Richard put in an application for a tech competition that would fund your business fi you won. Jared had no idea and when Gavin and Peter Gregory, Gregory who is funding Pied Piper, found out there was a big mess that took place. A big mess which could’ve been easily avoided if Richard would’ve told Jared about the application. “Understanding the benefits of effective communication helps companies place a focus on developing a workforce that is able to communicate within the firm and with customers, vendors and international business partners.”Then there’s the obvious mess at the end of the episode where Elrich gets busted by the police for growing marijuana. Even if he didn’t get caught, partaking in illegal activities in the work place is not a good idea. “Corruption and criminal activity within the workplace are serious problems.”

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Week 4 EOC: Silicon Valley Rights and Wrongs Episode 4

As the show "Silicon Valley" starts to play out, they group start to make their company, Pied Piper, a legit business. Richard starts off episode 4 by meeting with a lawyer to help finalize the transaction of getting a name, on Richard’s behalf, this was a very good move. He also says that they are “pivoting” their company, which means they are switching the directions and missions of Pied Piper. “Running a business causes owners to make dozens of decisions daily, many times without much advance thought and consideration.” (Doerksen). Along with the maturation of Pied Piper as a company, Richard starts to “crack” under pressure and he starts to be a little sterner with the rules and positioning with his company. Along with the rights that he is doing there are still wrongs. For example throughout the episode, Richard has panic attacks because he can’t see the “vision” of Pied Piper. Richard simply does not know what the company is, meaning he knows what it is to him, however, when someone asks him what the company is he doesn’t know how to express himself. "...look into how others would view the business, the size and scope of the asset that has been created, and identification of important and sometime latent value drives." (Doerksen). Though Erlich nails the elevator introduction, Richard still is uncomfortable with public speaking, however, Peter Gregory has become successful without that trait. Public speaking doesn’t mean in front of a crowd, I’m speaking on the behalf of the networking and socializing traits of public speaking. Richard may not understand but networking is incredibly important in the world of business. “Business Networking is a really valuable way to expand your knowledge, learn from the success of others, attain new clients and tell others about your business.” (Baird). 

Week 4 EOC: Silicon Valley Rights and Wrongs Episode 4

As the show "Silicon Valley" starts to play out, they group start to make their company, Pied Piper, a legit business. Richard starts off episode 4 by meeting with a lawyer to help finalize the transaction of getting a name, on Richard’s behalf, this was a very good move. He also says that they are “pivoting” their company, which means they are switching the directions and missions of Pied Piper. “Running a business causes owners to make dozens of decisions daily, many times without much advance thought and consideration.” (Doerksen). Along with the maturation of Pied Piper as a company, Richard starts to “crack” under pressure and he starts to be a little sterner with the rules and positioning with his company. Along with the rights that he is doing there are still wrongs. For example throughout the episode, Richard has panic attacks because he can’t see the “vision” of Pied Piper. Richard simply does not know what the company is, meaning he knows what it is to him, however, when someone asks him what the company is he doesn’t know how to express himself. "...look into how others would view the business, the size and scope of the asset that has been created, and identification of important and sometime latent value drives." (Doerksen). Though Erlich nails the elevator introduction, Richard still is uncomfortable with public speaking, however, Peter Gregory has become successful without that trait. Public speaking doesn’t mean in front of a crowd, I’m speaking on the behalf of the networking and socializing traits of public speaking. Richard may not understand but networking is incredibly important in the world of business. “Business Networking is a really valuable way to expand your knowledge, learn from the success of others, attain new clients and tell others about your business.” (Baird).